Planebender Products
Let's Go Flyin'

Building Services- The Difference Is In The Details
Dave Sullivan (AKA Planebender) has been "building" and flying RC planes for over 30 years. He is a sponsored pilot with several companies.

The difference is truly in the details that Dave puts into each and every plane. Anyone can slap an ARF together. Planebender Building Service does not slap anything together. Each plane is given his full attention and energy rendering a true show plane as the end result. The final product is a meticulous plane perfectly balanced and ready for the first turn of the prop.

With years of 3D flying and pylon racing, Dave knows all the tricks required to make each and every plane fly true and straight. The install of radio equipment is nothing short of perfection. With reasonable building rates, your plane will not only out fly any plane at the field, your plane will also out shine any plane at the field. Each ARF Dave turns out is truly a handcrafted work of art.

Once all the parts to the ARF arrive, Dave can normally turn out the plane in approximately one week. A few of the more elaborate planes, like a Comp ARF or Krill, can take a little longer but the end result is still the same, perfection.

Planebender Products will build, crate and ship aircraft anywhere in the the world. He is happy to build any type or size ARF. Below is a list of pricing but do not hesitate to give Dave a call to discuss your building needs. A "Planebender" built plane really stands out at any field! For a Quote, please give me a call at 916-716-7348.

Need more time to fly? Want to spend less time in a cramped garage? Want a "Showpiece" aircraftt? Let Planebender take the time and hassle out of building. Only experience, time and patience will get the job done right. Every plane that comes out of my shop excels in workmanship and quality- every ounce counts. Only the most effective building materials are used and only the latest building techniques are employed. If you are looking for a plane that draws a crowd- Planebender Building Services is the place to go.

Dave built this plane for me, and it is flawless / beautiful. Let's just say my "build" would not have come out this way. I maidened the plane last Sunday, and it flew awesome. I was a little nervous as I am on all maidens. I have flown cubs before, but not in this size. I set the DLE - 35 to factory settings.....& optimized from there. I powered up, and she went straight down the runway (just a little rudder). The second plane left ground I knew she'd come back down in one piece. I am always waiting for a plane to "bust" a move on maiden. Not here. I was immediately doing loops / rolls / etc. Landing was a 100% nonevent  (without flaps). I will play with mixing in some elevator / flap on Monday once back from Chicago.

This is the first plane that Dave has built for me (there will be more). He was awesome from start to finish.....kept me in the loop.....let me know what we needed. Costs are very good for his build services, and he was very straight forward (no surprises).

I cannot say enough about the experience. Cannot wait to ship him more stuff.

Also cannot wait to fly this again!!